Given the dwindling population growth, singapore will face the crisis of a ageing population. If I am the only child,what used to be done by parents will have to be done by me all alone which increases the burden on the future generations as the cycle continues. With the disinclined population growth caused by lower birth rates there will be more and more people who are old, this might result in a manpower shortage as death rate increases with ageing population and birth rates continues to decline. In the future society's advancements may eventually come to a stop hindered by the lack of talents due to the dwindling population growth which affects a country's prosperity.
We have to prevent these by managing the number of deaths and births in Singapore. We have to ensure that the population does not age and decline so as to ensure that the country always have enough people to function. We can also encourage birth by providing financial aid and benefits to both the parent and the child for example the Edusave which financially helps the parents who are nurturing a child acadamically.
We must also not overlook the problems as to why people are hesitating to have children, as we have to respond to the root of the problem instead of the effect of the problem. Only by doing so can we truly prevent a such a crisis.