Thursday, 14 May 2015

Pre-Trip Task

Pre-Trip Task

Cost of a standard 4/5 room HDB flat (around 90-100 sq m) in Punggol
= $320000-$480000

The current cost of a brand new Toyota Vios is
= $120000

Find out the prices of the following from a local supermarket

Cheapest 10kg packet rice

Cheapest one litre drinking mineral/distiller water 

Cheapest fresh whole chicken (refrigerated not frozen) 

Do we provide plastic bags and how are they used?
Plastic bags are provided in order to package groceries such as vegetables and fruits.

Who are the cashiers (age,nationality) and what kind of service do they provide?
Most of the cashiers are Chinese Singaporeans, age ranging from twenties to forties. The service is rather good but they tend to slow down when having in between chit chat with customers.

Cheapest one litre of cooking oil 

How much is your school fee?

How much is one litre of petrol(95 unleaded)?

How much is one movie ticket on a weekend ?

The average salary of a Singaporean 

One Big Mac Meal 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Culture- George

Basically, in my parents hometown, there is not exactly a whole lot of differences in food there and here. You can almost find everything there in some Chinese specialized food stalls and restaurants and a Singapore, such examples are 凉拌面, The traditional one which as it name says, is cold noodles mixed with cucumber strips, crushed peanuts, spring onion and the extra spicy chilli, giving it an extra kick. There are many variations of this dish, from many parts of China. There are lines with sesame oil, chicken strips, onions

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Youth Culture




To me Singapore's youth culture is mainly made up of the social networking apps that we use and the popular food among the youths. For China however due to my limited knowledge of them, my knowledge of their culture is restricted to their common apps,and searching engine, however clash of clans might be common among them too thus the choice of the app.