Sunday, 1 February 2015

1 child policy- Emma


During the previous CID lesson we learnt about China's "one child policy" the policy was introduced in 1979 to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in China. It is beneficial and effective for their country but it is a complete opposite situation compared to our country.With the dwindling population growth of Singapore, the following generation will have even lesser birth rates, causing the Singapore population to decrease. Many couples have only one or two children and some do not wish to give birth at all. It is really worrying as the child needs to take up a lot of responsibility as an only child to support his/her parents. The manpower in Singapore will also decrease as there are too few people talents and thus the government needs to hire foreign talent. Thus in conclusion we need to increase Singapore's birth rate in order to help the society's development. We must also ensure that the number of death rates are not too high as we still need the pioneer generation to help aid with assisting the current generation and helping them to follow in their footsteps, making it a cycle to assist our next generation. We must also encourage couples to give birth, increasing the birth rates. Through all these efforts we can become a better nation.


Anonymous said...

i agree with your point about China's one-child policy. it is good that you related the one-child policy with Singapore's situation with declining fertility rate and that you connected the impacts of the policy to Singapore's case. However, i feel that you should include more of your own opinions about this policy and not about the facts on it only :)

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